working capital

3012 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3rd February - Deltex dont give me that working capital crap

I start with today's placing news from Deltex Medical (DEMG). I do not reckon that this will be its last placing and its language stinks at every level. The money will be used for "working capital". Bollocks. It means to "fund our ongoing fucking losses". And there is more. Yes this is a bad language special. And if you are a Guardian reading loser who thinks the NHS is cash starved you will also be offended.  I also look at Petro Matad (MATD), Petroceltic (PCI), Rose Petroleum (ROSE) and once again push Wandisco (WAND) for a statement. Is there a "strategic review" yet? How close are you to tits up time?
